Wednesday, May 26, 2004


As I mentioned yesterday, I have something to say about this paper. Talk about liberal media bias! I am getting USA Today deposited at my room at the Sheraton every morning, and like driving by an auto accident, I can't help but look. This paper is awful.

Monday, the front page above the fold was dedicated to a "human interest" story about Teresa Heinz. To me, it looked like nothing other than a Kerry campaign ad, telling us how great it would be to have Heinz as our first lady. Meanwhile, the lead-up to Bush's statements on our ongoing mission in Iraq was below the fold.

Yesterday, the majority of the front page above the fold was dedicated to catastrophizing about the state of assisted living. You'd think that every senior in America was about to die, alone and unwanted, in profiteering, emotionless cell blocks only thinkly veiled as sensitive homes. At the right was a sidebar laying out Bush's five part plan for Iraq. Around it, an article included results of a Bush confidence poll, of course taken over the weekend, when it is a well established fact that weekend polls favor Democrats. They also reported a 67% majority of Americans believe Bush has no clear plan for Iraq, a statistic displayed not even two column inches below Bush's clear plan for Iraq.

Today's paper, I only glanced at. More assisted living catastrophizing. How awful that it's such important news that it has to be on the front page above the fold for two days running.

Perhaps needless to say, this is a paper that will never get a dime of money if I can help it.

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