Wednesday, September 22, 2004

(Recinded) Last Political Post, Here at Least

I'm going to stop posting about politics on this blog, but not about politics at all.

I've started a second blog at because I've had two kinds of readers for this, my personal blog. Some seem to enjoy reading my political viewpoints and even comment on them. Some really would prefer to read only the other stuff and not have to wade through the half or so of my posts there that are on politics.

After all, politics is one of those touchy topics, like religion, where people are unlikely to change their views and are much more likely to get offended or angry when they hear or read views unlike their own. Out of respect for those readers that don't want their reading of my thoughts and feelings on everything else rudely interrupted by my political viewpoints, I'm spinning those viewpoints off to the new blog instead.

Unless I get around to moving older posts from this blog to the other, my posts on politics prior to September 22, 2004 are still here. I will soon set up some of the other features for the new blog, like an email subscription option, that I set up for this one and I'll announce that in both places. Those readers that are on the email list, please just hit Reply and tell me you want to be on the other one and I'll subscribe you right at the time that list gets set up.

For anyone using a blog aggregator like BlogLines, the XML feed is


Anonymous said...

I think it's a pity that you feel you have to move your political posts to another site. To whom are you capitulating to? What is everyone afraid of here? A blog is a free-form expression that shuld know no bounds, and unless there are specific corporate goals, (does being poltically partisan violate some MS standard?) isolating political commentary is unnecessary (IMHO). Even though I personally do not agree w/ many of DT's political views, (I'm voting for Kerry) I welcome them just the same in the hopes of being exposed to something new and interesting. I can recall the early days of the internet when critics said that people would lose all opportunity for critical thinking because what they wanted would be pushed to them---don't let this happen w/ DT. Keep an open mind and enjoy the musings of an individual whom we all respect but may not agree with 100% of the time. Keep it lively DT, and keep your blog as one. I invite everyone reading this to respond with their own equally valid opinion.

DarkTortoise said...

It's not capitulating to anyone, it's just that I feel I write to two different audiences. Maybe I just have dreams of my political blog becoming something where other political bloggers will link to it and I'll link to theirs and it will grow to be more than just me talking to a very small set of folks. Interjecting some of my other stuff, like "here's a picture of my kid" or "I played a cool new board game today" could be a signficant detraction for that audience, just as my politics are a detraction for some of my current audience. So far, the commentary on what I have here has been very limited, so it's difficult to gauge.

I'm going to think on this this weekend and make a decision this week. If I think it's too early to split off the political blog, I'll merge them back before they get too much of a "separate life." Additional commentary and response on this post would be of great interest.


Anonymous said...

I agree with the first commenter, but I do understand your goal of having a purely political blog. For what it's worth, my favorite political blogs are those that include posts on a variety of other subjects. (I'm still looking for a good one that has respectful point-counterpoint discussion in the posts and the comments--the few comments you've had on your posts have come close.) My vote is with keeping your blog as one.

Anonymous said...

How would one evaluate the merit of your political commentary with no information about the rest of your life? Seems to me you need to include both.

Anonymous said...


i agree with the others. keep the blog as one entity. i do read the posts but not always the comments. even though we differ in political viewpoints, i read for the sake of the mental stimulation of your mind.