Monday, October 03, 2005

Mary Roach's New Book

I got an email from Mary Roach, who wrote "Stiff" - a book I favorably reviewed on my blog some time ago. I had sent her email and had a bit of back and forth discussion on various things dead, like my photos of a Hawaiian cemetery. Her email announces her new book and struck me as very funny:
Hi again -- I wanted to let you know that my second book, Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife, is about to hit the bookstores. Like Stiff, it’s my usual goofball, attention-deficit hodge-podge. You can check it out at

I apologize in advance: There are no maggots in this one. But there is:

--Vaginally extruded ectoplasm
--An attempt to weigh the soul of a leech
–-A Cambridge University ghost experiment carried out at an X-rated movie house
--Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek’s groundbreaking experiments on tooth scum
--The exact weight of Jesus’s soul
--A 1927 laboratory experiment to produce an outline of a monkey’s astral body
--Cameos by Elizabeth Taylor, Nikola Tesla, Homer Clyde Snook, and the Prince of Wales

I leave this week on a four-week book tour. (Gawp.) The readings schedule is up on the site. Thank you so much for your support.

Mary Roach

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