Saturday, November 20, 2004

Airline Problem - Again

Now at the Seattle airport, attempting to fly to DC, my flight has just been scheduled to take a different airplane. Our originally scheduled airplane has a problem with an aileron (sp?), which is apparently a non-vital, unused system that is required to be working before you can fly. I don't quite understand how it can be both unnecessary and part of the plane, or unnecessary and required for that matter, but that's the story. We're about to switch to another airplane that has this unnecessary but vital piece of equipment working.

In the last six months, I've flown quite a lot, and I'm amazed at how some half of the flights I've been on have had some problem like this that has caused delays, rerouting to other destinations, and so on. Is this some kind of message? I sure hope not, as I have no intention of ceasing travel.

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