Monday, October 04, 2004

Correction: Cat Stevens

I'd mentioned Cat Stevens as the stage name of Steve Adams, which is not entirely correct. Olympia had pointed out to me that she was sure he was Greek and had a Greek name, and she is correct. His birth name was Steven Georgiou, but his earliest performances were under the more marketable name of Steve Adams. Only later did he take up the name Cat Stevens.

So the progression is Steven Georgiou performed first as Steve Adams, then as Cat Stevens, then took up Islam, rejecting his past music, and took the name Yusuf Islam, then eventually put out more (this time Islamic) music under the Yusuf Islam name.

His story has a good synopsis here:

It's also good to read his (brief) condemnation of the 9/11 attacks, although there still seem to be quite a few questions about his activities with various groups of dubious agenda.

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