Friday, October 29, 2004

Meeting Locations in Outlook

I had a meeting today with someone I'd never met before, and as I headed to the meeting, I checked my Treo to find I didn't know where it was really taking place. That's because the meeting location read, "My Office". Aagh!

If I created the appointment, then that means my office, 43/4311. I don't do that, though, after the first time I couldn't find a meeting because the location was given as "My Office." So that meant it was the office of the person I was meeting. Thank goodness it was only two of us, as the options would have been expanding rapidly. It was also fortunate that I had brought my laptop so I could look up the person's office and find the meeting.

It may seem a little thing, but a location for a meeting that doesn't assume a bunch of knowledge on the part of the other person seems like an important thing to do.

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