Thursday, May 27, 2004


BoardGameGeek - Serving the Board Game Hobby Since 2000

I met Ted today, who is from the Massachussetts Medical Society. We got onto the topic of how I know Roberto, my good friend who works at Microsoft as a technical strategist for the healthcare vertical. Roberto and I know each other because we live two blocks from one another and share an interest in strategy board games. So it occurred to me that my blog should reference this Board Game Geek site, as it is one of the best resources for information on strategy board games.

Playing these games, as a hobby, has taken over for my previous obsession with tabletop miniature war games. The lower preparation time was the deciding factor. I just haven't the time to assemble and paint miniatures, and unpainted miniatures are no fun to play with. Miniature games are also notoriously difficult to coordinate with the casual gamer.

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