Tuesday, September 21, 2004

[Politics] I Helped Kerry Today

It was in a very small way and probably ineffective, which is okay with me because I don't want to see him become president. But I helped because it was the right thing to do.

The Federalist Patriot publishes a newsletter I read. They mentioned a site they also produce dedicated to defeating the Kerry/Edwards ticket. On that site, they have a photo section, which includes this photo:


I realized I'd seen that photo before on snopes.com where it was debunked as a fake. In keeping with my principles, I emailed The Federalist Patriot and passed them this link:


I further encouraged them to remove the photo. I drew comparison to CBS' current (in my opinion, repugnant) stance on the Bush National Guard memos as "fake but accurate" and suggested their credibility was at stake.

I plan to check back periodically and see if they have removed the photo. I will be very disappointed in them if they don't, because they should do the right thing, even though it's not politically expedient. In fact, that phrase, "politically expedient," calls to mind that the Federalist Patriot newsletter offered a pertinent quote of the week on September 17th (Constitution Day, the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution, although it was another 18 months before it was fully ratified and took effect.) That quote was from George W. Bush's speech to the National Guard Association (emphasis mine):

What's critical is that the president of the United States speak clearly and consistently at this time of great threat in our world, and not change positions because of expediency or pressure. Our troops, our friends and allies, and our enemies must know where America stands and that America will stand firm. We cannot waver, we cannot waver because our enemies will not waver.
Again, I hope The Federalist Patriot will walk the walk, since they talk the talk.

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