Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Where's the Pause Button?

My skip-level manager dropped by my office to say something to me yesterday. When he walked in, his first question, though, was, "Why the white shirt?" I was wearing a white, button down, collared shirt with the sleeves rolled down and buttoned at the wrist. Basically the exact kind of white shirt men wear with suits, although this one happens to be heavier weight that a typical dress shirt, as I bought it at Old Navy instead of a store selling more formal attire. This is not a completely unreasonable question at Microsoft where standard attire is usually very casual if not downright sloppy.

My immmediate response was, "I haven't done laundry lately, so I couldn't wear my favorites." Later, though, I wished I had a pause button for just such circumstances. When someone asks a question like that, I want to hit pause and come up with a witty, clever response. Once ready, I could hit play again and delivery my "line."

I thought of other responses that might have been better. Just to play, I could have said, "Oh, it's for the interview." There isn't one, but it would have been amusing to joke around a little with him. I also thought of, "The flourescent yellow one hurts the eyes," and "I'm keeping a record of what I eat today," and "It's after Labor Day and I'm a rebel," and "It goes well with my eyes, at least the white part. I'm not bloodshot am I?"

Maybe naturally funny people have pause buttons they aren't telling the rest of us about?

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