Sunday, May 22, 2005

What Effect, the Truth?

After reading my post about discussing other jobs with my manager, a reader asks, "If you don’t have a new job before review time, didn’t you just impact the number of goodies you’ll get?"

Perhaps I have. I'm okay with that. Any "goodies" that might be due to me from my current group are because of work I've already done. A decision to withhold them because I am thinking of leaving the team would simply indicate that I'd be making the right choice.

What bothers me about hanging around the group to receive a reward for great performance while doing work on things that are only mildly interesting is it's a lot like waiting. Also, not telling my manager what I'm thinking would be a lot like him not telling me important information. I've been very critical of that behavior in the past, so it would seem hypocritical of me to engage in exactly the same behavior. Transparency goes both ways.

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