Friday, July 08, 2005

Dinner with Kyle

Tonight I went the The Cheesecake Factory for dinner. (Owned by Overtons and now with a 6-carb cheesecake on the menu!) I went there alone and it was pretty crowded, so I headed for the bar, which has open seating. Well, should have open seating anyway. The closest thing to an open seat was that there was a guy sitting at one of the table alone with three other chairs there.

Being as shy as I am, I would never presume to ask someone if I could join them at a table that would make it look like we were there together.

Moments later, sitting at the same table as this fellow, I read my magazine until he was done with his menu and was just kind of looking around waiting for the waitress to come back. I started with something clever, like, "You know, if conversation with a total stranger that just sat at your table is better than eating alone in silence, I'd be up for such a thing." So, we had dinner and a conversation.

His name is Kyle, he works for Progressive Insurance as a claims adjuster, and he was in the area working for a week or so. He returns home Friday to Anchorage, Alaska. We chatted about the merits and demerits of buying houses, outdoor activities, and living in Alaska. (I lived in Alaska through most of my teens for those that don't know.) All-in-all, pretty pleasant and much better than eating alone.

Too bad I'm so shy.


Evil Genius said...

Wow what are you talking about, that is the exact opposite of shy.

I wouldn't even have walked in to the cheesecake factory alone, how's THAT for shy!

They have the best portobello mushroom sandwhich I have ever eaten. I also love the avocado eggrolls. yummmm. If they didn't have a 3 hour wait on any given day of the week, I would totally eat there more then twice a year.

Anyway, props to you for having the balls to do that, and making it a more pleasant evening for the both of you. I could never.

DarkTortoise said...

The shy comments were supposed to be sarcasm or some kind of wry humor. Couldn't you see the way the corner of my mouth turned up just so as I was writing that part?

Howz about a big smiley now? :)